1) The oldest human statues in the world were found in Jordan, from 7500BC. Apparently, some people in those days had two heads!
2) A 17,000 year old skeleton was found in Petra, buried face down with its hands and feet tied together. This was a common thing to do in those days.
3) The Bedouin girls have been making rag-dolls like this one for thousands of years.
4) They found some mysterious writing from 1200BC and no one knows what it means or what language it is.
5) The lands of Ammon, Moab and Edom, which are mentioned in the Bible, are in present-day Jordan.
6) In 2 Kings 3, it is recorded that Israel, Judah and Edom joined forces to attack Moab, but the attack was not successful. The tablet below is an account of the same story written by the Moabites.
7) This clay camel water fountain was made in 1000BC. It also shows us how camels used to carry lots of water.
8) These coins are from Petra in the first century AD. Petra was the capital of 'Arabia' which the Apostle Paul visited for 3 years (Gal 1:17-18), so he probably used these coins!
9) These are the kind of toys which Nabatean children used to make thousands of years ago.
10) These are some of the 'Dead Sea Scrolls', which were written in the first century AD and were found in a cave near the Dead Sea in 1948. They contain the oldest surviving Biblical manuscripts in the world. Above is a fragment from the book of Isaiah: "A voice cries out: Prepare a way in the wilderness for the Lord. Clear the way in the desert for our God." The scrolls below are made of copper.
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