Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Two Christmas parties in one day

Over Christmas we are having six Christmas parties at our house for different groups of friends that we know here. On Boxing day we had two parties; in the morning we invited our neighbours from upstairs and in the afternoon we hosted a party for a family that we know in south Amman.

First party

Most of the preparation had been done the day before, so we just had to make flasks of tea and coffee and get all the food out before the neighbours came down at 11 o'clock. After our neighbours arrived we had some drinks and snacks before starting some games. This year, instead of 'Pin the beard on the Santa', we played 'Pin the star on Bethlehem' and 'Guess how many ornaments are hanging on the tree.'

Pin the star on Bethlehem

Kate's amazing Christmas desserts

Then Kate brought out the desserts, including mince pies, Christmas cookies and chocolate log roll that she had made.

Christmas cookies

Following on from desserts, Paul and the children did a dramatisation of the Christmas story in Arabic including Kira singing 'Angels from the Realms of Glory' in Arabic.

Mary, Joseph and the donkey

After clearing up there was very little time to rest before getting ready for the next party, which was the same all over again with the addition of the chocolate game and a star-making craft activity.

Star craft activity


Can you guess how many ornaments are hanging on our tree? Email your guess to us.