I arrived early to ensure that everything was ready for Prince Hassan's visit to the Clinical Skills Laboratories. The 2 nurses who work with me in the labs had been working hard to prepare everything but there were a few last minute adjustments. For example, we needed to move some of the manikins into different rooms so that the tour would be suitable.
Royal protocol
Some of the medical students had volunteered to demonstrate different Clinical Skills, so I briefed them on what they needed to do to demonstrate measuring blood pressure, listening to heart sounds, taking blood and having a medical consultation. I also walked around the labs with the Prince's protocol officer to ensure that the tour would be appropriate.
Is it alive?
I then waited in the main lab with the main patient simulator, that was looking quite life like - breathing and blinking his eyes! This is one of the most advanced patient simulators in the Middle East! We heard clapping and cheering to signal that Prince Hassan (the King's Uncle) had arrived. Very soon he entered the lab with his entourage and was introduced to me. We talked about Oxford University (where he studied) and Cambridge University (where I studied and also his daughters and wife). Then we began the tour.
A Jordanian welcome
His Highness spent time talking with the medical students about the Clinical Skills course and he even had the opportunity to feel the pulses on the main patient simulator. As we walked to the second laboratory there was a crowd of students waiting to catch a glimpse of the Prince and they welcomed him in true Jordanian style with clapping, singing and ululating!
A down-to-Earth prince
The medical students in the second laboratory gave very good demonstrations of their Clinical Skills and everything went very smoothly. I was amazed at how the Prince, such a famous and important person, was so approachable and down to earth.
At the end of the tour there was an opportunity for photographs and then the Prince moved on to give a lecture in the main auditorium.